Employees lose an average of 581 hours a year to distractions, such as cell phones, emails, and other social media, to name a few.

This is over 14 weeks, per person, spent not actually working. You might be wondering if there is anything you can do to become more focused. We’ve compiled a list of 10 steps you can take to ensure you’re working smarter, not harder.

10 Steps to Boost Your Productivity

1. Limit how often you check your email. 

According to The Economist Intelligence Unit report In Search of Lost Focus, 70% of critical-thinking employees disrupt their own progress in order to check email at least once an hour.

And 18% check their email every few minutes.

Try to use email as a reward for accomplishing a large task. Set a time limit so that you don’t get caught up in social media. Then, go ahead and turn it off until your task is done.  

2. Get up and move around. 

Getting a little exercise is shown to improve concentration.

So, get up and make a cup of coffee or get a glass of water. However, use this as a break after you’ve finished a task. 

3. Quit multi-tasking.

Research shows that productivity can be reduced by as much as 40% by the mental blocks created when people switch tasks.

Try to finish one task before starting something else, which can take discipline.

4. Make a to-do list at night. 

Not only will this will help you relax and be able to sleep better, but it will help you get right to work in the morning without having to figure out where to start the day.

A word of caution, though, is to make sure your list isn’t overwhelming. Make sure it’s attainable. Cross off items on your list that are repetitive and don’t need to be done tomorrow.

5. Delegate tasks to capable people. 

If you micromanage, you will waste more of your valuable time because you will be watching over the other person’s shoulder.

However, if you truly delegate, you will free up your time. Pick someone you trust, then let them handle the task.

6.  Plan your phone calls.

Even if you don’t have a secretary to hold your calls, you do have the ability to turn off your ringer.

Set aside a certain time each day in which you will make your phone calls. It’s okay to use voice mail as long as you return those calls later during your scheduled time.

7. Get enough sleep at night. 

It may sound crazy, but 70% of Americans admitted to sleeping on the job in a survey done by William A. Anthony, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and director of Boston University’s Center for Psychological Rehabilitation.

It should go without saying, but make sure you get enough sleep at night to be more productive during the day. Set a schedule for bedtime and stick to it, then your body will get used to it.

A lack of sleep decreases your concentration, working memory, mathematical capacity, and logical reasoning. Shoot for seven to nine hours of sleep per night for ages 27 to 64, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

8. Decorate your office area with aesthetically pleasing elements. 

Grab some plants, candles, pictures, and anything else that puts you at ease.

By doing this, it can increase productivity by up to 15 %. It will help put you in a positive mood, which helps boost productivity.

9. Minimize interruptions as much as possible. 

It may seem trivial, but when coworkers pop their heads into your office to chat, it takes away from your productivity.

Keep your office door shut when you are working on an important project. If that’s not an option, choose to work at home until you are finished.

10. Set a timer. 

Research says that only around 17% of people can accurately estimate the passage of time.

With this said, you should set a timer for about 25 minutes up to 90 minutes maximum, with a 5-minute break afterward. This should help keep you on track and be more productive.

Saving Time Matters

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